The images relating to the items are indicative, the characteristics of the items delivered may be slightly different from the photos presented in the catalogue. Prices of the products displayed are ttc. Prices are subject to change at any time without notice.
Privacy policy with reference to the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003, establishing provisions for the protection of confidentiality in the processing of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data you have provided, or the recordings and/or acquired in the course of our activity, may be processed with or without the use of electronic means, in accordance with the above-mentioned legislation, for the institutional purposes of our company. All prices are for the public and, therefore, include the tva.For purchases with tva number possibility of billing with separate tva. If your package is blocked or in stock, we will inform you and do what we do. Possession to overcome the problem. When you receive the product, please test it immediately and inform us if everything is well and if so, we ask you to post positive comments.
Responsibilities we disclaim any liability in case of loss of items after delivery of the goods. Technical information the technical information entered, is derived from the information published by the manufacturer of the items included in our catalog. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify / adjust the technical information of the products of the catalog, even without notice. The images related to the items are indicative, the characteristics of the items delivered may be slightly different from the photos presented in the catalogue.
Privacy with regard to the provisions of d. 196/2003, which includes provisions to protect confidentiality in the processing of personal data, we would like to inform you that the personal data you have provided, i.
The recordings and/or acquired in the course of our activity, can be processed with or without the help of electronic means, in accordance with the legislation above, for the institutional purposes of our activity. Payment must be made within 4 working days of the end of the purchase. All prices must be included by the public and, therefore, including tva.For purchases with correspondence of tva possibility of billing with split tva. Shipment is made within 3 business days, Monday to Friday by express mail (unless otherwise indicated in the list). Delivery of the goods will take place at the address provided by the buyer within the time and in the manner specified by the express carrier (no response by the carrier) the tracking code will be delivered at the time of the completed shipment. If the package is blocked or in stock, we will inform you and do what is in our right.
Pursuant to article 5 of Lgs 185 of 1999, the customer has the option to terminate the contract/order concluded on the internet without penalty and without any explanation, in accordance with the following conditions. The right of withdrawal expires: - in the absence of the essential condition of integrity of the good (package and/or its contents) - even partial use of the goods and any consumables - absence of the external packaging of origin and/or the internal packaging - the absence of integral elements of the product accessories, cables, manuals, parts...Damage to the product due to causes other than its transport in the above cases, we will return the asset purchased to the shipper. In order to obtain the refund of the payment, the customer must return the purchased products to the following address the payment must be made within 3 working days of the withdrawal declaration. Rule of return defective or not working articles or products, communicate within 30 days of receipt of the product otherwise the request for return will not be considered valid. Even when buying with free shipping. Responsibility we assume no responsibility for the loss of the items after the delivery of the goods.
Information techniques the technical information entered, are d & eacuteriv & eacutes of the information published & eacutes by the manufacturer of the items included in our catalog. On the other hand, we use the right to modify/adjust the technical information of the products in the catalogue, m & ecircme without prior notice. The images linked to & eacutel & eacutes are indicative, the characteristics & eacuteristics of the objects delivered & eacutes can & eacuter l & eacuteg & eacuterement diff & eacuterentes of the photos present & eacutes in the catalog. Prices of expos & eacutes products are included in the prices can be modified & eacutes & agrave any time, without pre & eacuteavis. & eacutenonce & eacute de confidentialit & eacute with regard to the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003, which includes provisions aimed at & agrave prot & eacuter la confidentialit & eacute in the processing of personal data & eacutes, we would like to inform you that the personal data provided by you, i. Acquisitions / as part of our activity & eacute, they can & eacuter & eacutes with or without the help of means & eacutelectronics, conform & eacutement & agrave the above & eacute legislation, for the institutional purposes of our activity & eacute. Payment must be made & eacute within 4 business days of the end of the purchase. All prices must be included by the public and, on the other hand, including VAT. For purchases with tv match possibility & eacute of billing with tv fractionn & eacutee.Exp & eacuteition is made within 3 working days, from Monday to Friday by express mail (unless otherwise indicated in the list). The delivery of the products will take place & agrave address provided later in time and the handling provided by the express mail (no eacuteresponse due to the mail) the tracking code will be delivered & eacute at the time of the terminal & eacutee ex & eacutedition.
If the package is blocked or in stock, we will inform you and do what is in our right. Possession to overcome the problem & egraveme. When you receive the product please & here the tester imm & eacuteiatement and we inform if everything is all right and if so, we ask you to lib & eacuter positive reviews. Pursuant to Article 5 of Legislative Decree 185 of 1999, customers have the possibility to withdraw from the contract / order concluded on the internet without any p & eacutenalit & eacute and without any explanation, in accordance & eacutement with the conditions that use.
The right of withdrawal expires: - for lack of essential condition of int & eacutegret & eacute of assets (package and / or its contiu) - for lack of partial use of goods and consumables - for lack of original outer packaging and / or inner packaging - for lack of int & eacutegraldus of the accessory product, c & acrcbles, manuals, pi & egraves... Damage caused & eacutes to the product by causes other than its transport in the above cases, we will return the purchased asset & eacute & agrave the exporter.
In order to obtain a refund of the payment, the customer must return the purchased products & eacutes & agrave the following address the payment must be made & eacute within 3 business days of the withdrawal declaration. R & egravegle of return articles or products of eacutefective or not functioning, communicate within 30 days of the r & eacuteception of the product, without the request of return will not be considered & eacutee as valid. Crpricambi undertakes to replace or refund the item purchased & eacute, by returning the amount of eacutepens & eacute r & eacute reduced by the expense of ex & eacuteition & agrave your home. M & ecircme when buying with free shipping. Verantwortung wir & uumlbernehmen keine verantwortung f & uumlr den verlust der ware nach der lieferung der ware. Technische informationen die eingegebenen technischen informationen stammen aus den vom hersteller ver & oumlffentlichten informationen der in unserem katalog enthaltenen artikel. Daher behalten wir uns das recht vor, die technischen informationen der produkte im katalog auch ohne vorank & uumlndigung zu & aumlndern / anzupassen. Die bilder im zusammenhang mit den elementen sind indikativ, die eigenschaften der gelieferten objekte k & umlnnen sich leicht von den im katalog pr & aumlsentierten fotos unterscheiden. Preise die preise der ausgestellten produkte sind vat im preis inbegriffen. Die preise k & oumlnnen jederzeit und ohne vorank & uumlndigung ge & aumlndert werden.Datenschutzerkl and aumlrung in bezug auf die bestimmungen von d. 196/2003, die bestimmungen zum schutz der vertraulichkeit bei der verarbeitung personenbezogener daten enthalten, m & oumlchten wir sie dar & uumlber informieren, dass die von ihnen zur verf & uumlgung gesturellten personenbezogenen daten, dh registumerltungen und köln.
Oumlnnen sie gem & auml & szlig den oben genannten rechtsvorschriften f & uumlr institutionelle zwecke unserer t & aumltigkeit mit oder ohne hilfe elektronischer mittel behandelt werden. Die zahlung muss innerhalb von 4 werktagen nach dem ende des kaufs erfolgen. Alle preise sind f & uumlr die & oumlffentlichkeit und damit einschlie & szliglich der mehrwertsteuer zu verstehen. Bei k & aumlufen mit mwst. Match-m & oumlglichkeit der fakturierung mit geteilter mwst.Die sendung erfolgt innerhalb von 3 werktagen, von montag bis freitag for expresskurier (sofern nicht anders in der auflistung angeben). Die lieferung der produkte erfolgt an der vom k & aumlufer angegebenen address in der vom expresskurier zur verf & uumlgung gesturellten zeit und weise (keine antwort aufgrund des kuriers) der sendungsverfolgungscode wird zum zeitpunkt der abgeschlossenen lieferung geliefert. Wenn das paket gestrandet oder auf lager ist, werden wir sie benachrichtigen und tun, was in unserem recht ist. Besitz, um das problem zu & uumlberwinden. Wenn sie das produkt erhalten, testen sie es bitte sofort und informieren sie uns, wenn alles in ordnung ist, und wenn ja, bitten wir sie, positive feedback freizugeben.
Lgs 185 von 1999 hat der kunde die m & oumlglichkeit, den im internet geschlossenen vertrag / auftrag ohne strafe und ohne erkl & aumlrung gem & auml & szlig den nachfolgengen bedingungen zur & uumlckzutreten. Das widerrufsrecht erlischt: - eats der wesentlichen bedingung der integrit & aumlt des verm & oumlgenswerts (paket und / oder inhalt) - auch teilweise nutzung der waren und verbrauchsmaterianien - fehlen der original-au & szligenverpackung und / oder innenverpackung - das fehlen von integren elementen des produkts zubeh & oumlr, kabel, handb & uumlcher, teile... Besch & aumldigung des produkts aufgrund ander ursachen als seines transports in den oben genannten f & aumlllen geben wir das erworbene asset an den absender zur & uumlck. Um eine r & uumlckerstattung der zahlung zu erhalten, muss der kunde die gekauften produkte an die folgende address zur & uumlcksenden. Die zahlung muss innerhalb von 3 werktagen nach der widerrufserkl & aumlrung erfolgen.R & uumlckkehrregel artikel oder produkte, die defekt sind oder nicht funktionieren, kommunizieren innerhalb von 30 tagen nach erhalt des produkts, andernfalls wird die r & uumlcksendungsanforderung nicht als g & uumlltig angesehen. Crpricambi verpflichet sich, den gekauften artikel zu ersetzen oder zur & uumlckzuerstatten, indem er den durch die versandkosten bei ihnen zu hause reduzierten betrag zur & uumlckgibt. Auch beim kauf mit kostenlosem versand.
Responsibility no our hacemos responsible for the p & eacuterdida de los art & iacuteculos despu & eacutes de la entrega de la mercanc & iacutea. Inform us & oacuten t & eacutecnica the information we & oacuten t & eacutecnica introducida, if it derives from the information we & oacuten publicada por el manufacturer of los art & iacuteculos includedidos en nuestro cat & aacutelogo. Por lo so much, we reserve the right to modify / adjust it inform us and oacuten t & eacutecnica de los productos del cat & aacutelogo, included without notice.
Las im & aacutegenes relatacionadas con los elementos son indicativas, las character & iacutesticas de los objets entregados pueden ser legeramente diferentes de las photos presentadas en el cat & aacutelogo. Precios los precios de los products en exhibitici & oacuten son iva incliidos. Los precios pueden cambiar in cualquier moment, without notice.
Declare us & oacuten de privacidad with respect to the provisions of d. 196/2003, that include disposiciones para protect la confidencialidad en el tratamiento de datos personales, our gustar & iacutea inform them that los datos personales proportate por used, es decir, los registeros y / o adquiridos en el marco del marco de nuestra actividad, pueden ser tratados avec o sin la ayuda de medios electr & oacutenicos, de acuerdo avec le legislaci & oacuten anterior, para los fines institucionales de nuesstra actividad. El pago must be made inside the 4 d & iacuteas h & aacutebiles postriores during the finale of the sportiva. Prices must be paid by price, by time, and VAT included.Para compras con iva igualar posibilidad de facturaci & oacuten con iva fraccionado. El env & iacuteo is realiza in a plazo of 3 d & iacuteas h & aacutebiles, moons a viernes por mensajer & iacutea expr & eacutees (a menos which is indicated otherwise in el listado). The entrega de los productos se llevar & aacute a cabo en la direcci & oacuten proportionada por el comprador en el tiempo y la forma propcionada por el mensajero expreso (sins respuesta debido al mensajero) el c & oacutedigo de seguimiento se entregar & aacute en el moment del env & iacuteo completado.
If el package is & aacute varado o in stock, the notificamos y haremos lo que & aacute en nuestro derecho. Posisi & oacuten to overcome the problem. Cuando reciba el producto por favor pru & eacutebelo immediately y inf & oacutermenos si todo est & aacute bien y si es as & iacute le pedimos que public comentarios positivos. In virtud del art & iacuteculo 5 de la d.Lgs 185 de 1999, the customer holds the opci & oacuten to withdraw of the contract / pedido celebrado en internet sin ninguna penalizaci & oacuten y sin ninguna explicaci & oacuten, de acuerdo con las condiciones que se cumplen las condiciones siguientes. El derecho de desistimiiento expira: - por falta de la condici & oacuten esencial de la integridad del activo (package y / o on the content) - including the use of consumables parcial de los bienes y cualquier - falta de embalaje externo original y / o embalaje internal - la ausencia de elementos integrales del producto accessories, cables, manuals, piezas...
De & ntildeos al producto debidos a causas distinguishedas a su transporte en los casos anteriores, we will delegate the activo comprado to the mission. To obtain a re-employment of the salary, the customer must delegate los productos comprados to the siguiente ditcci & oacuten el pago must be realized in the 3 d & iacuteas h & aacutebiles siguentes a la declaraci & oacuten de desistimiento. Regla de devoluci et oacuten art & iacuteculos o productos que Sean defectuosos o que no funcionen, so common inside 30 d & iacuteas siguientes a la recepci & oacuten del producto de lo unlike the solicitud de devoluci & oacuten no se considerar & aacute v & aacutelida.Crpricambi if you make a compromise with reemplazar or reembolsar el art & iacuteculo comprado, by donating the cantidad gastada reducida por los gastos de env & iacuteo en su casa. Included when you buy with approx. The item "Complete kit brake pads and discs Yamaha tmax 530 iron max abs 2015 2017" has been on sale since Tuesday 25 May 2021. It is in the category "auto, motorcycle - parts, accessories\scooter\ parts\brake\brake discs". The seller is "crpricambi2016" and is located at/in 80131.
This item can be delivered anywhere in the world.